
Diffusion and localization of hematoporphyrin derivative in the normal bladder wall of pig and rat after local administration

Bisson JF, Notter D, Labrude P, Vigneron C, Guillemin F - 1996, Proceedings of the SPIE 2625:527-534

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) consists in the administration of a photosensitizer and subsequent irradiation of the tumor with visible light. Routinely, the photosensitizer is given intravenously (i.v.), but the major drawback of this procedure is the resulting skin photosensitivity. The goal of our study was to examine whether intravesical (i.b.) instillation of the photosensitizer for PDT of bladder cancer might be feasible in order to target the tumors and to avoid the photosensitization phenomenon. After studying the normal bladder histology of pig and rat, not much described so far, we studied the diffusion and localization of hematoporphyrin derivative (HpD) in vitro on the pig bladder and the biodistribution of HpD in vivo in the rat bladder, two and four hours after intravesical administration, by spectrofluorimetry and fluorescence microscopy. We have the following results: (1) no diffusion through the pig bladder wall was detected; (2) the penetration depth of HpD into the pig bladder wall was 450 plus or minus 44 micrometers (n equals 8), including urothelium and chorion in totality and a small part of the muscles; (3) the penetration depth of HpD into the rat bladder wall was 55 plus or minus 9 micrometer (n equals 9) after two hours and 960 plus or minus 118 micrometer (n equals 9) after four hours, corresponding respectively to the totality of the urothelium and a small part of the chorion or almost completely in the bladder wall, a small part of the adventicia being excluded. In conclusion, intravesical instillation is feasible and, as superficial bladder cancer, especially carcinoma in situ particularly occur in the urothelium or in the chorion, a bladder instillation of two hours should be advantageous.