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in vitro & in vivo Neurology

Since its inception, ETAP-Lab has demonstrated solid expertise in preclinical neurology, initially focusing on in vivo models with historical behavioral expertise, we offer efficacy models with high translational approach taking into account most risk factors. We have extended our know-how to in vitro approaches with a broad portfolio of cellular models of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Our services include advanced high-content screening, bioassays & histology platform, fully-equipped with wide variety of analyzes & biomarkers. We offer a complete range of solutions, from standard to customized to meet your specific needs, in stroke, neurodegenerative diseases and psychopharmacology.

Our models by area of expertise

in vitro models

Protein aggregation (cell free) | Induction with AβO, TauO or αSO
Excitotoxicity* | Glutamate injuries
Oxidative stress* | H₂O₂-induced
Neurogenesis*| Fosgonimeton-induced
Synaptogenesis*| BDNF-induced
Neuroinflammation (Human iPSC Astrocyte) | Induction with AβO or Cytokine
Neurodegeneration*| Induction with AβO, TauO or αSO, or 6-OHDA

Diagnostic of amyloid structure | Cell viability | Neurite network | Synaptic density | Astrogliosis| Inflammation signaling pathway | Proliferation


in vivo models

Amyloidopathy model | AβO-induced on mice
Amyloidopathy & Aging Model | AβO-induced on mice
Amnesia Model | Scopolamine-induced on mice
Parkinson-Like Model | 6-OHDA-Induced on rats
Parkinson-Like Model | Lactacystin-Induced on rats
Catalepsy model | Haloperidol-induced on rats
Dyskinesia model | L-dopa-induced on rats


Memory impairments | Sensorimotor deficits | Synaptic loss | Astrogliosis | Microglia activation


*Cortical Primary Neurons. Proteinopathies models in blue.
AβO for Amyloid Beta Oligomers. TauO for Tau Oligomers. αSO for Alpha Synuclein Oligomers.

in vitro Models

Thromboelastography (ROTEM)
Clot lysis

Excitoxicity | Glutamate injuries


in vivo Models

Distal Ischemic Stroke models
Fibrin-rich clot thrombosis

Platelet-rich clot thrombosis

Fibrinolysis-induced hemorrhagic transformation in diabetic mice

Transient ischemic attack

Permanent ischemia


Proximal Ischemic Stroke models
Thrombo-embolic stroke: Multiclot version
Ischemia-Reperfusion (MCAo)


Hemorrhagic Stroke models

In situ infusion of heterologous blood
Intracerebral aneurisms
Cerebral injection of collagenase

(mice, rat and pig)

in vivo models


Mood disturbances (anxiety, depression, stress) models

Elevated plus Maze
Defensive burying test
Light/Dark box test
Forced Swim Test
Sucrose preference Test
Chronic stress


Learning models

Morris Water Maze

Novel Object Recognition


Locomotor activity

Open-field test
Beam test


Pain models

Tail-flick test
Formalin induced hindpaw

Neuro-pharmacokinetic (Neuro-PK)

Biodistribution study

Our platforms

Behavioural tests

Stereotaxic & micro-surgery

in vivo Imaging

Histology & Immunohistochemistry

Biological assays

In vitro pharmacology

Our R&D Projects


The BIO-DIAMOND project stands as a pioneering pilot initiative showcasing the potential of organ-on-chip technology to expedite the market entry of drug candidates in the “discovery” and “pre-clinical” phases, specifically focusing on Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

The project, in collaboration with NETRI, has emerged as a winner of the “Innovations in biotherapies and bioproduction” call for projects funded by the French government as part of France 2030.


This collaborative project with Plant Advanced Technologies (PAT) and the IMoPA-CNRS laboratory at the University of Lorraine aims to discover new plant-derived anti-inflammatory compounds, with a special emphasis on bryophyte group plants.

Selected by the Grand Est Region and the State, this collaborative research initiative is backed by a total budget of 1.2 million euros.


STROKTURA, Stroke for the Future, aims to find innovative solutions in brain imaging applied to preclinical models of stroke, with the purpose of testing future therapies for ischemic strokes in humans. This project, led by our team of experts in collaboration with BB@C, with scientific and technical support from PhIND, ESR3P, and CYCERON, is financially supported by FEDER and the Normandy Region.