The ETAP-Lab poster presented at AD/PD 2022 is available online
The poster we presented at the Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease conference is now available ; it’s all about our innovative in vitro and in vivo models of Alzheimer’s disease, which are based on the use of human A-Beta 1-42 oligomers.
The poster focuses on the main results of the characterisation of the model in the aged mouse. This reproducible and translational model is a new tool for the evaluation of compounds targeting the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.
We are very pleased to be sharing this poster.
If you have any questions about our results, we’d be delighted to discuss them with you.
This research was carried out as part of the Bioprolor2 programme. Bioprolor2 is co-financed by the “Region Grand-Est” and the European Union through the “FEDER-FSE Lorraine et Massif des Vosges 2014-2020” operational programme.