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Preclinical in vivo Dermatology Research Services

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With two decades of expertise, ETAP-Lab stands as a recognized leader in preclinical dermatology. Leveraging our gold standard models and tailor-made solutions, we address your challenges in molecule development, spanning across areas such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, wound healing, skin grafting, and more.


ETAP-Lab has strong expertise in Chronic Skin Inflammation and provides unique rodent model in mice. Learn more by walking through our experimental specifications, image gallery and scientific publications. You are looking for more information? Feel free to contact our inflammation experts.

Experimental Specifications

Animals: female Hairless mice

Induction of chronic skin inflammation: daily topical application of TPA for 1 week

Treatments: start one week after the start of the induction of chronic skin inflammation

Tested products: solutions (oral or topical route), dressings, creams, ointments, film-forming (application or spraying) and hydrogels

Followed parameters: macroscopic scoring of skin inflammation, histopathological analysis, microscopic scoring of skin inflammation and dosages of cytokines (IL-1β, IL- 6, TNF-α...)

Reference substances possible: Tridesonit, compounds and dressings depending on the nature of products to test and on the treatment route

Ischemic ulceration

ETAP-Lab has strong expertise in Ischemic ulceration and provides unique rodent models in normal and diabetic mice and rats. Learn more by walking through our experimental specifications, image gallery and scientific publications. You are looking for more information? Feel free to contact our ischemic ulceration experts.

Experimental Specifications

Animals: normal or diabetic mice and rats

Induction of ischemic ulceration: mechanically on the back of animals in 2 steps, with or not resection of the ischemic region

Treatments: start immediately after induction of ischemic ulceration

Tested products: solutions (oral or topical route), dressings, creams, ointments and hydrogels (+ neutral covering dressing)

Followed parameters: macroscopic scoring of ischemic ulceration (several parameters), surface area of the ischemic region, determination of the day of complete healing and possibly histopathology depending on the study

Reference substances possible: compounds and dressings depending on the nature of products to test and on the treatment route


ETAP-Lab has strong expertise in Psoriasis and provides a rodent model in mice enriched with an unique behavioral scoring of scratching and licking. Learn more by walking through our experimental specifications, image gallery and scientific publications. You are looking for more information? Feel free to contact our psoriasis experts.

Experimental Specifications

Animals: female Balb/c mice.

Induction of psoriasis: topical application of Imiquimod daily for one week.

Treatments: start five days after the start of induction of psoriasis.

Tested products: solutions (oral or dermal route), creams, ointments, dressings, hydrogels (+ neutral covering dressing).

Followed parameters: body weight, macroscopic scoring of psoriasis (several parameters), cytokine assays (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-17, IL-22, TNF-α), histopathological analysis, microscopic scoring of psoriasis.

Additional parameter: behavioral evaluation (scratching and licking of the back).

Reference substances possible: clobetasol, calcipotriol, compounds and dressings depending on the nature of products to test and on the treatment route.

Hyperkeratosis & Actinic keratosis

ETAP-Lab has strong expertise in Hyperkeratosis and Actinic keratosis and provides rodent models in mice. Learn more by walking through our experimental specifications, image gallery and scientific publications. You are looking for more information? Feel free to contact our hyperkeratosis & actinic keratosis experts.

Experimental Specifications


Animals: female Hairless mice

Induction of hyperkeratosis: topical application of TPA every two days

Treatments: start one week after the start of the induction of hyperkeratosis

Tested products: solutions (oral or topical route), dressings, creams, ointments, film-forming (application or spraying) and hydrogels

Followed parameters: macroscopic scoring of hyperkeratosis, histopathological analysis, microscopic scoring of hyperkeratosis and thickness of hyperkeratosis

Reference substances possible: Duofilm, salicylic acid, compounds and dressings depending on the nature of products to test and on the treatment route

Actinic keratosis

Animals: female Hairless mice

Induction of actinic keratosis: repeated exposition to UVB light up to 20 weeks depending on the dose used

Treatments: start before or after the exposition to UVB light

Tested products: solutions (oral or topical route), creams, ointments, photosensitizers and hydrogels

Followed parameters: macroscopic scoring of keratosis, histopathological analysis, microscopic scoring of keratosis and thickness of keratosis

Reference substances possible: Effudix, Voltaren and Metvixia

Wound healing

ETAP-Lab has strong expertise in Wound healing and provides unique rodent models in normal and diabetic mice or rats. Learn more by walking through our experimental specifications and scientific publications.

In addition, we also propose original models of Skin abrasion, Blisters / Burns, and Fibrinous wound.

You are looking for more information? Feel free to contact our wound healing experts.

Experimental Specifications

Excisional skin wound

One of our gold standard used for more than 20 years.

➡️ Species: healthy and diabetic mice and rats
➡️ Surgery: skin biopsy of 6 to 26 mm diameter on the back under anesthesia
➡️ Treatment start immediately after the skin biopsy
➡️ Tested products: solutions (Dermal or oral routes), creams, foams, ointments, hydrogels (+ neutral covering dressing), dressings
➡️ Large choice of parameters to follow: blood glucose/insuline levels, tolerance and efficacy scoring, surface area of the wound, determination of the day of complete healing, histopathological analysis, microscopic scorage of wound healing, immunohistochemistry: Ki-67, CD31, Collagen I, III, IV…
➡️ Reference substances possible: hyaluroinic acid (Ialuset®), sulfadiazine Ag, compounds and dressings depending on the nature of products to test and the treatment route considered.

Full thickness biopsy

Animals: female Hairless mice or male Wistar rats

Induction of blister: pressure and heat on a single site on the back

Treatments: start immediately after the induction of the blister

Tested products: topical applications of solutions, dressings, creams, ointments, film-forming (application or spraying) and hydrogels

Followed parameters: surface of the wound, determination of the day of completehealing, histopathological analysis, and possibly microscopic scoring of wound healing

Reference substances possible: compounds and dressings depending on the nature of products to test and on the treatment route

Atopic dermatitis

ETAP-Lab has recently developed and validated a preclinical model of atopic dermatis in mice allowing us to demonstrate the efficacy of products and ingredients of natural origin on this skin disorder.

To complete the classic inflammatory biomarker assays (cytokines, immunoglobulins, infiltration of immune cells, histamine) and pathological methods, ETAP-Lab has developed specific scoring scales to allow a detailed analysis of the results, and the study of rodent behaviour which allows to evaluate the animals’ pain and well-being and to differentiate the activity of products tested.

Contact our experts to find out about our testing and consultancy services

Leading CRO for preclinical dermatology research

ETAP-Lab has 25 years of market knowledge and recurrent clients amongst Pharma, Biotech, Medical device and Nutrition companies, and has built one of the widest in vivo models portfolio on the market with over 10 different models available

Expertise in building original in vivo models

ETAP-Lab provides original and gold standard models for a wide range of Dermatology conditions, from Inflammation to Wound healing, and has developped strong expertise in Inflammation, Hyperkeratosis and skin ulceration research

Flexibility & quality consulting for Dermatology projects

ETAP-Lab provides tailor-made approach in a fast-paced environment (Median/average time from protocol design to analysis report: 45 days) as well as a dedicated team with major scientific achievements in Dermatology research