Induction of superficial bladder tumors in the female Fischer 344 rats with AY-27 tumor cells for the study of diffusion and localization of hemoglobin derived components (hematoporphyrin derivative) in view of photochemotherapy
Photochemotherapy (PCT) consists in administration of a photosensitizer and subsequent irradiation of the tumor with visible light. Routinely, the photosensitizer is given intravenously (i.v.), but the major drawback of this procedure is the resulting skin photosensitivity. The goal of our study is to examine whether intravesical (i.b.) instillation of the photosensitizer for PDT of bladder cancer might be feasible in order to target the tumors and to avoid the photosensitization phenomenon. After first studying the biodistribution of hematoporphyrin derivative (HpD)
In Vivo and in Vitro Digestibility of Soybean, Lupine, and Rapeseed Meal Proteins after Various Technological Processes
Anti-nutritional factors and technological processes may modify the nutritional quality of plant proteins. Heated rapeseed meal, soybean, and lupine proteins dried by various processes were used to compare in vivo methods of nutritional quality measurement such as protein efficiency ratio and true digestibility (TD) to in vitro methods such as pH-stat giving degree of hydrolysis (DH) and digestion cell giving nitrogen digestibility (ND). Combined methods taking into account amino acid score were as follows: PDCAAS (protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score) derived from TD, NDCAAS
Nutritional Value of Veal Bone Hydrolysate
Industrial veal hydrolysate was produced enzymatically for possible use as a gelatin‐replacing ingredient for human consumption. Protein digestibility and nutritional value were determined in vitro and in vivo. Net protein ratio (= 2.65) and true digestibility (= 80.3) were compared with gelatin and caseinate. Protein digestibility was determined by pH‐stat method and cell dialysis. Amino acid composition including 4‐hydroxyproline, allowed determination of connective tissue, amino acid score and protein digestibility corrected amino acid score. High correlation was found between true
Effects of the light–dark cycle on a water tank social interaction test in mice.
Mice were exposed to a water tank interaction test in which food could be obtained either by wading in the water or by attacking littermates. A tank with progressively rising water levels caused mice in groups of four to differentiate into those willing to wade (carrier mice) from those unwilling to wade (noncarrier mice). Noncarrier mice could only obtain food by stealing it from carrier mice or from other noncarrier mice. It was found that mice during the dark period
Behavioral differentiation of mice exposed to a water tank social interaction test
Male or female C57BL/6J mice were exposed to a water tank in which food could be obtained only by wading in the water towards a feeder. Behavioral differentiation occurred in that three distinct categories could be distinguished: major carriers (transporting over 80% of the food pellets), sporadic carriers (transporting less than 20% of the food pellets) and non-carriers. In the elevated + -maze, major carriers were more willing to explore open spaces than non-carriers. Sporadic carriers showed some evidence of
Detoxication of rapeseed meal by Rhizopus Oligosporus sp‐T3: A first step towards rapeseed protein concentrate
To obtain proteins from OO rapeseed meal for use in human food, a first step was realized by fermentation with Rhizopus oligosporus spT3. The meal's fermentation during 40 h resulted in degradation of 84% of carbohydrates, 30% of lignin and other polyphenolic components indigestible by nonruminants, and 47% of total glucosinolates which are responsible for goitre. The fermentation improves the nutritional quality of rapeseed meal by degrading undesirable factors. [mkdf_button size="" type="" text="Link to the article" custom_class="" icon_pack="font_awesome" fa_icon="" link=""
Effects of MPTP on lever-pressing for light extinction in rats
Rats were daily treated for seven days with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3, 6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) at a dose of 20 mg/kg/day, i.p. Seven days after treatment withdrawal, the rats were individually tested in a brightly lit apparatus containing two levers: an active lever allowing periods of darkness, and an inactive one. The test was performed over two consecutive days, in 20-min sessions. While control rats had a higher number of total active lever pressings than inactive lever pressings, this was not the case for
Diffusion and localization of hematoporphyrin derivative in the normal bladder wall of pig and rat after local administration
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) consists in the administration of a photosensitizer and subsequent irradiation of the tumor with visible light. Routinely, the photosensitizer is given intravenously (i.v.), but the major drawback of this procedure is the resulting skin photosensitivity. The goal of our study was to examine whether intravesical (i.b.) instillation of the photosensitizer for PDT of bladder cancer might be feasible in order to target the tumors and to avoid the photosensitization phenomenon. After studying the normal bladder histology